• Create an optimized resume in minutes
  • Get noticed by employers
  • Trusted by thousands of job candidates
  • Utilized by hundreds of recruiters

Jobswiftly…Get interviewed! Get hired!

Simple facts - Job seekers want to get hired! Jobseeking always begins with a resume!
What if you don’t have a resume? What if your resume hasn’t been updated in years? 
Maybe you’ve researched resume services and learned the cost was too expensive? 
Don’t know where to begin? Yes, daunting.

Begin here… Jobswiftly has simplified the resume-building process using methods that skilled recruiters and career coaches recommend to their candidates and clients to secure interviews. The candidate selection process doesn’t always end with the first interview either! This means that a great resume will carry a job seeker or candidate through a multi-tiered interview process. Whereas a desperately written, overly designed resume, especially lacking candidate accomplishments, probably won’t get interviewed at all.

Let’s fix this! Our platform was designed to overcome a constant dilemma. Great candidate! Not so great resume. 
A Jobseeker might have a single chance to attract the attention of an employer or a recruiter with a hiring need. The resume is where the candidate relationship begins and hopefully ends with a great job offer!

Job Seekers

Our platform was designed to overcome an ongoing problem. Great candidate! Not so great resume. 
That same jobseeker says, “I’ve submitted my resume to several job postings and haven’t heard back yet. It’s been over a month! Why haven’t I heard back?!” A Jobseeker rarely has more than a single chance to attract the attention of an employer with a hiring need, or a recruiter that represents a client. It always begins with the resume and hopefully ends with a much better one! Especially if the jobseeker expects to get an interview…or multiple interviews! Using Jobswiftly, you can easily create your resume using methodologies that experienced recruiters and expert career coaches recommend that will get you noticed...and get you interviewed!


Jobswiftly is designed to help recruiters expedite sendouts/interviews by offering candidates an easy and affordable way to revise or build their resumes. As a result, recruiters provide their clients and hiring managers with straightforward, outcomes-based resumes that are easy to evaluate, and become a key for measuring candidates in the interview process.

Recruiters speak with excellent candidates! However, many candidates have uninspiring resumes. 
Advising a candidate on their resume is generally never fun, and recruiters don’t make money doing it. Recruiters can spend a lot of time with a candidate explaining reasons to revise a resume, especially so that they can submit it to a client/hiring authority. The recruiter expects the candidate will revise the resume accordingly and expedite reasonably quickly. The recruiter is now waiting, relying on a candidate to revise his/her resume…and the clock is ticking for you both.

Simplifying a good resume for a qualified candidate is a game changer! You’ll build trust with your candidates because you’ll improve their chances of being interviewed (getting send-outs), especially in a multi-tiered hiring process where several people are involved in vetting & hiring. You’ll also establish credibility with your clients and hiring authorities by submitting quality resumes that won’t require weeding through any nonsense.